Pages with tag "EU"
Why Europe should avoid modeling its migration policy on Denmark
"The Danish model" is a dubious success and constitutes a socially harmful paradox that other countries should not be inspired by -
Dear Amnesty International Denmark: Don't give up on refugees!
Open letter from 12 organisations working for refugees in Denmark -
EU Leaders should Uphold Right to Asylum in Europe
10 steps for the EU to ensure sustainable and rights-based asylum systems -
The new EU pact on migration and asylum: how does it affect Denmark?
Despite the opt-outs, Denmark must adapt to the EU's new pact which contains frightening prospects for asylum seekers in every way -
Greek campaign demands investigation of the Pylos catastrophy
Refugees Welcome, Denmark is a signatory to an appeal from a number of Greek ngo's -
Information to and about refugees from the war in Ukraine
Here are all the facts you are looking for about entering the EU and the Danish special act -
The EU's new Migration Pact: deportations more important than rights
Refugees Welcome, Denmark, agrees with the criticisms of the pact put forward by a large number of NGOs -
EDITORIAL: A solution model for refugees in EU
Distribution has to be based on uniform assessments and rights -
Why don't they just stay in Turkey?
The situation for the many refugees in Turkey is not sustainable, and the Danish government is making things worse -
Europea Needs to Let the Migrants In / Philippe Legrain
European top economist says we should welcome refugees and see them as a resource in stead of a threat