Pages with tag "paradigm shift"
Why Europe should avoid modeling its migration policy on Denmark
"The Danish model" is a dubious success and constitutes a socially harmful paradox that other countries should not be inspired by -
The paradigm shift has significant consequences for both refugees, the state, and civil society
New Danish book sheds light on the multifaceted consequences of the paradigm shift, both now and in the future -
Sweden wants to copy Denmark's asylum policy
After decades with an image as Denmark's opposite pole, Sweden is now taking over the hard line towards refugees -
Danish Immigration Service in conflict with human rights conventions
The Paradigm Shift exposes refugees to unnecessary stress, abuses public resources and serves no purpose -
UN warns against Denmark's paradigm shift
UNHCR once again urges Denmark to adjust its refugee policy in a new 12-pages paper -
Refugees need permanent residency. Roll back the Paradigm shift!
The new idea of temporary stay is destructive for refugees themselves as well as for integration -
Refugees become Danes over time, fortunately
DEBATE: Danish parliament misunderstands the concept of refugees when the focus is on temporary stay. This will create serious problems in the future. -
Refugees are absolutely necessary for the Danish labour market
A new study shows that the 'paradigm shift' has negative consequences and pushes refugees to work too hard